January 3rd 2020

Happy New Year Everyone!
Don't forget that we are meeting on Friday 3rd January this month.
Our subscription of £43 is due, see your emails for more details for payment. Also payment for Essex news at £3.96.
There will be a presentation from Costco.

We hope  that you all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to our exciting programme ahead.

December 4th 2019

Thank you to all our members for making this a very enjoyable evening!
The committee wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

Hi Ladies
Time for our December meeting and the last of 2019,
A few things to note,
CHRISTMAS MEAL- the balance for the Christmas meal is due this evening, if you have ordered 2 courses the balance is £9.49 and if you ordered 3 courses the balance is £11.99 this does not include a tip, if you could have the correct balance that would be most helpful.
SECRET SANTA - if you wish to be included please bring a wrapped gift to the value of £5.00 and when you leave pick a present, not your own, 
BRAS - Victoria is collecting bras for Africa, she will have a box for donations near her desk
BRING AND SHARE - please find attached a copy of the current bring and share for the evenings festivities
FANCY DRESS - if you wish to dress up it is characters from the West End musicals, it is not mandatory and please feel free to come as you are.
Look forward to seeing you all there

We are looking forward to this meeting! It promises to be full of song, food and merriment.
Fancy dress optional. 

You can also meet us at this event too!

November 6th 2019

Change in our programme:

Hello Ladies

At this meeting we will be making Danish Woven Hearts to hang on your Christmas tree.The heart opens into a small bag that can hold Christmas treats.
Felt, ribbon, thread and sequins will be provided by us but it will help if you could bring along a sewing kit with scissors (one pair for paper and another for fabric), a few pins and a needle. There is minimal sewing unless you like lots of bling!


2nd October 2019

Join us as we celebrate our 9th birthday!

Due to illness, our auction planned for this meeting has had to be postponed. Instead we are welcoming Laura Iosifescu a month earlier than scheduled.
 Laura will talk to us about her passion for art and her dedication to inspire others through her work in her local studio, Laura i Gallery.

September 2019 Meeting

Hello Everyone.
I hope that you are all keeping well and have made the most of our exceptional summer! 

At our next meeting on 4th September we will be welcoming Tracy Mackness to talk to us about her incredible journey to create her company Giggly Pig. She will also have lots of delicious sausages for us to purchase. 

Cheryl and Carol will also be collecting your deposits for our Christmas meal so please have the correct change ready.
Keep an eye on your emails as we have a busy few months ahead!
See you next week.


July Meeting

Photos from Sinah Warren and Eastbrookend are now in the Gallery.

Hello Ladies,

At our meeting on 3rd July we will be welcoming two representatives from LBBD  to talk to us about Waste and Recycling. This is a hot topic in our borough currently so have your questions ready! 
You will also be receiving your programme for the remainder of 2019 and voting for the venue choice for our Christmas dinner.

See you  there!


June Meeting

Hi Ladies our next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th June our speaker this month will be a local poet by the name of Dauda Ladejobi and sounds like a good and immersive talk.
If you would like a cup of tea or coffee before the meeting starts please arrive for 6.45pm for a prompt 7pm start to the meeting, don’t forget your cups.
Some Information for your attention:
There will be a mass lobby for climate, nature and people on Wednesday 26th June in Westminster, London.  There will be more information on this at the meeting along with a sign-up sheet.
Essex Federation
Fancy a trip to Denman College why not apply for a bursary to help with the costs.  Please see e-mail sent out earlier or e-mail First Ladies for more information.
Eastbrookend Country Fair
Time for the fair again, seems to come around so quick, we will be needing volunteers for the stall please.  A sign-up sheet will be at the next meeting, if you can spare an hour it will help us out greatly.
Look forward to seeing you all soon

3rd April 2019

Good morning everyone

What gorgeous weather we are having!!

Our meeting this month welcomes our Speaker from The British Red Cross, covering their work Internationally and in the UK, exploring how the work started, its range and diversity. 

Next month is our Annual Meeting when we look back at the past year to elect our President and Committee for the following year.  We have members stepping down which means we have a shortfall in the numbers needed for the committee.

We hope some of you may consider putting yourself forward. Nominees will be accepted up to the start of the meeting,
Being on the committee is an important role and not a difficult task. The Committee are a team helping each other to run your WI.

                     YOUR WI NEEDS YOU!!!

The Resolutions for 2019 were six.  The NFWI Board of Trustees have decided to put the top two voted to the NFWI Annual Meeting in Bournemouth on June 5th. Decline in local buses, 35,194 and Don't fear the Smear, 20,825 votes respectively.
Therefore we will be voting in May on these Resolutions. The one with the most votes will be put forward at the NFWI Annual Meeting by our LINK delegate 2019, First Ladies (Barking and Dagenham) WI.
A very important meeting!!

Looking forwards to seeing you this Wednesday, 3rd April 2019. There will be the usual tea, coffee and cake. We welcome donations of cakes and biscuits.
Don't forget to bring your coffee and tea cups.

Bye for now

6th March 2019

Hello Everyone

We hope you were able to enjoy and make the most of the weather in the last week.
What a difference !!! compared to last year with the 'Beast from the East'.

Our year of celebrating the Centenary of women's suffrage, then and now, with visits to
exhibitions and rallys, culminated with Dr Helen Pankhurst CBE, writer and international
women's right activist, the great granddaughter of  Suffragette Leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, 
as our guest speaker in February. A wonderful evening.

We thank all the our speakers who have inspired us over this year of celebrations.

The 100 Banner which we designed and took on the March4Women last year has been
seen, admired around the country and displayed in the Royal Albert Hall and the
Pankhurst Centre, Manchester.  It is now back with us.

This month our speaker and demonstrator, Peter Railton from Green-Fingers, talks about
the garden with preparations in getting our gardens and house plants looking their best 
with tips on how to achieve the look.

Please arrive promptly for a 7pm start and remember to bring your coffee cups to
enjoy a brew, tea, coffee, cake and chat.

Looking forward to seeing you then.

Bye for now.

6th February 2019

Hello Everyone

February has arrived and seems confused weather wise.

Nearly everyone seems to be affected by the bug going around including
my broadband network which has been down for a number of days
hence the late post.

To cut to the chase, we are excited to welcome Dr Helen Pankhurst,
Writer and International Women's Right Activist, great granddaughter of
Emmeline Pankhurst, British Suffragette, to our meeting this Wednesday,
6th February as our Guest Speaker.
We are looking forward to welcoming members and guests along to hear Helen speak.
Her book, 'Deeds not Words' will be on sale which she will be signing.

Our usual catch up with each other over tea, cakes, coffee, biscuits and chatter a must.

Please arrive promptly for 7pm start. Seated by 7.15pm for our Speaker to begin.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

That's all folks,

9th January 2019

Hello Everyone a Happy New Year to you all
Wishing you the very best for the year ahead, a fantastic 2019

We have some exciting speakers over the next few months.

Our meeting this month is Membership Renewal and Social evening with
our usual fun, chat and catch up with each other over tea, coffee and cakes.

We have a representative from the local Foodbank coming along. So don't 
forget to bring your donations.  The list of suitable items for donation
has been sent, to you, via email. 

Remember it's time for NFWI Resolutions votes for 2019.  You will find the 
list of Resolutions in WI Life, November/December 2018 issue. 

Looking forward to seeing you all Wednesday 9th January.