Merry Christmas!!

Well it's that time of year again! Enjoy your festivities with family and friends, and have a very happy Christmas!

See you in the New Year on January 6th 2016, when it will be our membership renewal evening.

There will still be tea and chat! 

Festive greetings to all our members and your families.  

IT's Christmas!!!

Well, it's nearly that time again, when we're all rushing around like mad, organising, buying and partying! 

So, kick back and relax at our Christmas meeting!

There will be mulled apple juice and  mince pies, a Christmas quiz with choccy goodies for 1st prize, music with our First Ladies Choir and lots of fun. 

Come along and bring your Secret Santa present to exchange with all our other ladies.

Party hats and fancy dress not needed!!!


Our next meeting

Our next meeting is on Wednesday the 4th November, at our usual venue, Eastbury Manor House. 

We will be having the usual chat, tea and cake, and also June Ward, our speaker, will be telling us all about the  Women's Institute bursaries. 

Come along and see what's going on!

Our next meeting is on the 7th October

The next meeting of First Ladies will be on the 7th October. 
         Our guest speaker will be Vanessa Babbage, from Cancer Research. 
         As October is Breast Cancer awareness month, the main focus will be Breast Cancer awareness.

 Vanessa will also have things to sell to help the charity.

As usual, there will be tea, cakes and chat, a raffle and news of what the clubs are getting up to. 

Come along and see us! 

Raising our flag at Barking Town Hall

On Friday the First Ladies had an appointment at Barking Town Hall. We were celebrating the centenary of the Women's Institute. 
Members assembled at the front of the town hall, and showed off our flag! 

The flag was attached to the flagpole, and it was raised to the top. 
Members then made their way inside the chambers in the  town hall where a speech was made.

Then onto the celebration tea! Where a special cake had been waiting for our members!
And lots of cupcakes and cups of TEA!

All in all a fantastic way to celebrate the centenary of the National Federation of Women's Institutes.

Thank you to all attended.

Our flag raising ceremony

The First Ladies will be raising their flag at Barking Town Hall at 4pm on Friday the 18th September, to celebrate the centenary of the National Federation of Women's Institute. There will be a short ceremony followed by a reception in the council chambers for members.
Please join us for the flag raising. Members, please reply to your invites by 11th September. 

Our next meeting is this Wednesday!

Wednesday the 3rd of September is the next meeting of the First Ladies. 

Our guest on the night will be Mel Rees, author and comedic speaker, who will amuse us with his light hearted look at life. 
There will be the usual committee updates, what's happening in our groups, and tea and chat.

Come along to meet us at Eastbury Manor House and see what you've been missing! 

Come and meet us at Valence House this Saturday.

Come along and meet us at Valence Fair on Saturday the 29th August.
The First ladies will be there from 11-4pm, where you can find all the information about joining us!

 The day will be a 1960s-themed day with talks, stalls, entertainment from the Dagenham Girl Pipers and competitions in keeping with the traditions of the Town Show. 
This event celebrates the 50th anniversary of our Borough, and incorporates Valence House's annual Local and Family History Fair.

Come along and meet us at Eastbury Manor House as we celebrate 100 years of the WI

 This year marks the 100 year anniversary of the Women's Institute. 
     To mark the event, the First Ladies are holding an anniversary celebration at our regular meeting venue, Eastbury Manor House, hosted by the Borough of Barking and Dagenham, who are celebrating their 50 year anniversary.
     There will be lots going on, including craft stalls, cream teas, activities for children and much more. Entry to Barking and Dagenham residents is free!
      We hope we will see lots of you there!

Summer holidays!

The First Ladies are on holiday! We have no meeting in August so that members can holiday to their hearts content! Hope the weather is kind to us!

Our next meeting will be in September, when our guest speaker will be Mel Reese, author and publisher. His talk is a light-hearted look at life and the trials and tribulations it brings.

However, that doesn't mean we won't be busy! 

We have the Barking and Dagenham Community day on 25th July at Parsloes Park.

We'll be manning a stall packed with goodies, including baked goods, craft items and a tombola, always a favourite.  We'll be there from 11am to 5pm, but the fun goes on till 10pm with live music and lots more. 

Come along and see us, see what we get up to and maybe you'll be inspired to come along to one of meetings. 

Whatever you're doing over the summer holidays, have fun, relax and we'll see you in September!

Our next meeting!

Our next meeting is on July the 1st, at our usual venue at Eastbury Manor House.


Our speaker for the evening will be visual artist Verity-Jane Keefe, and she'll be telling us about the Mobile Museum and Lending Library. 

This is a multi-strand community project involving heritage, culture and more. 

We will also have our regular business, tea and cakes, raffle and club updates, 
as well as chat and getting to know each other.

Come along and meet us, details here of how to find us.

We look forward to meeting you there.

Eastbrookend Country Fair

We had a great time at Eastbrookend Country park today!!! 

The event was extremely well organised and people came in their thousands! 

We had cakes to sell , a raffle and tombola, with all prizes and cakes donated by members. There was even a member who had 100s of plant cuttings, all potted up by herself!

Some of our lovely members came
to help set up the 
stall, sell cakes and man
(or woman!) the tombola, 
which the children loved.
Favourites were the cup cakes and samosas!


Thankyou to everyone who came along to help, buy or try their luck!

All in all a great day out, with lots of fun had by all.

Roll on next year.

Eastbrookend Family Country Fair

Come and see us! 
We have a stand at the upcoming Eastbrookend Country Fair on Sunday the 7th June.  We'll  have cakes, crafts and lots of other goodies!

Also at the fair will be the lamb National sheep racing display, and the aerial display of birds of prey, are back again to entertain.
However, the line-up doesn’t stop there with an interactive dog show planned, as well as showcasing local music and dance talent.

Hopefully the weather  will be kind to us, but if not we have a gazebo!

Pop along and learn a little bit about what the First Ladies of Barking and Dagenham do, and you may find you'd like to find out more!

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Our next meeting is on the 3rd of June

Our next meeting is the 3rd of June, at our usual venue of Eastbury Manor House.

The Pearly Queen of Old Kent Road and Bow Bells will be telling us all about their role.

We'll have our usual mix of chat, tea and cakes and fun!

Come along and see what we do.

Annual Meeting 2015

So far we have six nominations but it is still not too late to add others. Please send any nominations to the gmail address!  
When the business part of the meeting is over then we will have a bit of social time and you could bring your craft projects along with you.  We will also have the boater hats there ready to decorate.
Please look at the "Upcoming Meetings" to find more information!

APRIL 1st 2015

Next Meeting will be on April 1st 2015

Shirley Perkins will be with us and demonstrating some flower arrangements which will then be raffled off!  

Don't forget nominations for Committee are due in!

Please look at the upcoming meetings link to see some reminders of things to come.

FEBRUARY 25th 2015


Our next meeting is this coming Wednesday February 25th and not March 4th
due to works happening at Eastbury.

FEBRUARY 4th 2015


This is what we did in February 2013!   Bollywood style is what we were trying to emulate!  Some of us didn't quite get it! This February we will be a bit more sedate and will be listening to a speaker from Haven House!I will be back after my slight mishap and thank you all very much for your kind wishes, cards and flowers.

JANUARY 7th 2015



                       Happy New Year!

Yes it's that time of the year - payment of subscriptions!!!
It is the National Federation of Women's Institutes Centenary Year
This is the time of year we make our New Year's resolutions and it's also the time for choosing a resolution to go forward to the
NFWI Annual Meeting in June.
Hopefully we will all have a happy, healthy an prosperous year.