Our next meeting!

Our next meeting is on July the 1st, at our usual venue at Eastbury Manor House.



Our speaker for the evening will be visual artist Verity-Jane Keefe, and she'll be telling us about the Mobile Museum and Lending Library.

This is a multi-strand community project involving heritage, culture and more. 

We will also have our regular business, tea and cakes, raffle and club updates, 
as well as chat and getting to know each other.

Come along and meet us, details here of how to find us.http://firstladieswi.blogspot.co.uk/p/find-us.html

We look forward to meeting you there.

Eastbrookend Country Fair

We had a great time at Eastbrookend Country park today!!! 

The event was extremely well organised and people came in their thousands! 

We had cakes to sell , a raffle and tombola, with all prizes and cakes donated by members. There was even a member who had 100s of plant cuttings, all potted up by herself!

Some of our lovely members came
to help set up the 
stall, sell cakes and man
(or woman!) the tombola, 
which the children loved.
Favourites were the cup cakes and samosas!


Thankyou to everyone who came along to help, buy or try their luck!

All in all a great day out, with lots of fun had by all.

Roll on next year.