December 7th 2016


Come along and have an evening of Christmas fun. We have and interesting programme.
  1. Christmas Quiz with prize for the winner
  2. Free refreshments.  Mulled Apple Juice and mince pies.
  3. Raffle
  4. Birthdays
  5. Auction of donated knitted toys
  6. Carol singing led by Ladies With Voices
Don't forget to wear your Christmas jumpers , hats or baubles!!

Carol singing last year

November Meeting


This month some of us will be making Christmas wreaths or table centres.  Hopefully you have signed up and are looking forward to doing a bit of craft! Those of you who have opted out of the craft can bring your own things to do or just catch up with your friends and other members.  


OCTOBER  5TH  2016

This month we have historian Mark Watson coming to talk to us.  the title of the talk is Epidemics and Diseases in barking and Dagenham.  It should be an interesting evening!

SEPTEMBER 7th 2016 Monthly Meeting

Next Meeting September 7th 2016

Hello everyone!  I hope you have enjoyed our Summer and are ready to come back to our monthly meetings.  It will be two months since our last meeting but those of us who went on the River Lee Cruise had a lovely day. So come along and catch up with everyone This month we have speaker Peter Lazell talking about "My time on the beat". 

July 6th 2016

July 6th 2016

Our speaker is not able to make next meeting so we will therefore be doing a bit of crafting. We will provide materials  to have a go at making a brooch or you can bring  your own craft project along.  Come along, have a go and take the opportunity to get to know other members of our WI a bit better as well.

Next Meeting is on Wednesday 1st of June 2016

This meeting we will be welcoming Elisa Spampinto who will be taking us through some T'ai Chi moves. If you are going to take part she suggests you wear loose fitting top and bottoms with a soft pair of shoes or trainers. See you there!

Next month is the annual AGM meeting

Our meeting on 4th May is our annual AGM  meeting, where we discuss our finances, vote in new members of the committee, choose a new charity for us to support and vote on this years Women's Institute resolutions.

There will still be tea, there will still be time to chat! 

Hope to see everyone there. 


Our next meeting

Our next meeting is on the 6th April.
We have a very interesting speaker this month! 
Sandra Grayson is a graphologist, which is the study of handwriting, for example, as used to infer a person's character. 
She will be showing our ladies how to analyse their own handwriting! 
Should be interesting!

Obviously there will be the usual tea, cakes and chat.

See you there!

Our next meeting

Our guest speaker at our meeting next month will be Pat Allen, who will be talking about bee keeping! She will also be bringing honey for our members to buy! Yum!

There will be the usual tea, coffee cakes and chat, as well as updates on what all the clubs are up to this month.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Our next meeting - Hospital radio!

We are back to normal next month, when we have members of the Queens Hospital radio team to give us the low down on what goes on behind the scenes! The meeting is on the 1st Wednesday of February, the 2nd.

There will also be the usual tea, cake, chat and news. 

Come along to our usual venue and enjoy the fun!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all our members and visitors. 

Our next meeting is on 6th January at our usual venue, Eastbury Manor House. 

This will be our membership renewal evening, but tea, chat and all our usual fun will still be available!

See you all then!