Update 17th September 2021
It was great to see so many of you back in the hall after the summer break and to enjoy a social evening with delicious fish and chips. Thank you to Sheila for organising the meal.
There were several sign up sheets available so contact us if you wish to be added to the following:
Wreath or flower table display with Bonnie.
Attend a Christmas concert at Southwark cathedral.
Visit Romford Dogs.
Please amend your diaries.
Our meeting scheduled for 1st December has had to be postponed to the 8th. In order for the Duo to be able to entertain us, Cheryl has been able to swap them to 3rd November and Bonnie will now give her floristry demonstration on 8th December. We apologise for this change.
The theme for our next meeting on 6th October is ABBA.
We welcome visitors and new members to this meeting.