Next Meeting December 14th at 7pm

Bonnie welcomed 34 ladies to the November meeting where we had a mix of entertainment including country dancing, singing and ukulele, fun and laughter was had by all.

A couple of things to note, the December meeting is on the 14th of the month where we will have party games and a bring and share food for the table you are sitting on. This is your opportunity to dig out those Christmas jumpers or wear Christmas colours.

We will have a stall at the Valence House Christmas Market on the 10th December.

In January we will be opening up the meeting for guests and visitors as we have a band coming to entertain us.  This meeting is open to all who wish to attend.


A Special Event for the New Year!

 Next Meeting  Wednesday October 5th 7 to 9 pm

At our last meeting in September we welcomed 27 ladies. It was a very productive evening with Victoria sharing a presentation of her exciting holiday in Africa. 

We will be having a cream tea at our meeting in October. If you have not booked this (£3) but would like to join us then please contact us asap to choose your sandwiches.
If you do not want a cream tea then please feel free to come along and socialise.
There will be no saved seats at this meeting, first come first served.

See you there


Next Meeting:

Hi Ladies 

Please remember that our next meeting will be held on the 14th September rather than the 7th due to the blood bank being in the hall.
Please note that the October meeting we will be having a cream tea in the evening, this will be a subsidised evening with members paying £3.00 towards the cost of this.
If you want to join in please pay your £3.00 to Joanne at the September meeting along with any dietary requirements that you may have.
Look forward to seeing you soon

 Next Meeting Wednesday 1st June at 7 pm.

Congratulations to Bonnie on becoming our new President! 

Also, to Joanne, our Treasurer and Jackie, our Secretary. 

Here are Bonnie and Joanne at our tombola stall at the recent Spring Group Meeting hosted by Hornchurch Harmonies WI. We all had a fabulous evening solving the "Murder Mystery at the WI".

Hi Ladies

At our June meeting we will be celebrating the Jubilee in our way, after the speaker.
The committee thought it would be nice if members could wear red, white or blue to the meeting
Also if you would like to bring along some nibbles to share among your table with other members
Look forward to seeing you all soon

Coming Up:  Annual Meeting 4th May 2022


We had a very busy Easter meeting with a hat competition, glass painting, guess the name of the bunny and the presentation of a cheque from funds raised from our auction to St Francis Hospice.

On the 4th May we will be holding our Annual Meeting. Thank you to those members who wish to continue on the committee or who have shown interest in joining.

Next meeting: Wednesday 6th April at 7 pm

Joanne will be demonstrating various glass painting techniques and there will be an opportunity for you to have a go too. Please bring along an empty, clean jam jar for this purpose.

Also, we are holding a Paper Easter Bonnet competition.
See your member's email for further details.

Good luck!

WI Meeting 2nd March at 7.00pm

 At our next meeting we are welcoming a young group of Irish dancers to demonstrate their skills. I'm sure that we will be toe tapping along with them!

Visitors are welcome. A £5 donation is requested.

Our annual subscription starts in April so this would be an ideal opportunity to meet us.


We celebrated our second meeting of the year with an auction. Cheryl resurrected her previous role as an auctioneer to persuade the members to part with £234, all in aid of St Francis hospice. Even so members dug deeper to buy raffle tickets too. All in all members agreed it was a very entertaining evening and one we hope to repeat in the future.

 February Meeting

At our next meeting on Wednesday 2nd February at 7pm, Cheryl will be hosting our first auction. Members are to notify her of their contributions if they haven't already done so.
Remember to bring your purses as there are many exciting objects to bid for!
Visitors are welcome. Free, if it's your first visit, or a £5 donation if not.